As summer begins to fade into autumn, the musical couleur on ATCK turns as the forests‘ leaves do, taking on more melancholic tones with Madmotormiquel & Iorie’s „MCB“ EP. Fear not though, as the artisan duo weaves splashes of bright hues into their mythical portrays, painting a picture of hope in testing times.

On „MCB“, a moody canvas of mechanical precision is enlivened by vivid synths and neon acid licks, making for an exquisite impression of duality. Meanwhile, the cathartic „PNO“ gradually washes away all darkness with every stroke of Madmotormiquel & Iorie’s brush, morphing from an introspective vision into a liberating masterpiece by way of sheer emotional depth. Lastly, Cioz‘ re-essembles „PNO“ as a light-footed collage of jazzy breakbeats and funk-laden synths, underlining his eye for the extraordinary and thus adding another brilliant speckle to this enchanting collection.
